Sunday, September 28, 2008

September 21, 2008 - Sammy

My Influences:

Sam Butcher
brother, friend, guitar

I haven't spent much time in this bit talking about my brothers. There are plenty of them to discuss.

In honor of his birthday, it is my distinguished honor to introduce to you a man very near and dear to me, my brother, Sam.

I can't say enough about my feelings for Sam; he has always been a very good friend; he has never judged me in any way; he has always done whatever he could to lift my spirits if they sank; he has always expressed empathy for whatever tribulations I suffered; he has been at my side to experience and to participate in some of the funniest and lightest moments of my life; he has also helped me deal with the sadness and despair life can dish out.
In short, Sam is a great brother! Sam is a great friend! Sam is a great human being!

And, so ...
Sam and I got to know each other when my Mom and his Dad married (we were both around ten or eleven years old). We hung out now and again but never a whole lot in those earlier years.
Eventually, the teen years hit and Sam and I started hanging out quite a bit. We were both playing guitar and digging the same music (please see last week's bit about Napalm Death). We shared the same attitude about life and the folks surrounding us. Despite that pessimism, we did all we could to fully enjoy what little came our way with light hearts and big smiles. We even started putting our own band together - SEATH (a long story for another time).

Of course, high school came to a close and started hinting at the end of my teenaged adventures. I signed my life away to Uncle Sam and waved goodbye to my family.
During that time, Sam did what he could to stay in touch. His letters were some of the best letters I received while I served this country. He wrote of lighter moments and silly times and even sent the letters on random silly things (i.e. A paper plate).

On my return to the civilian world, Sammy and I didn't live too far from each other. We ended up working in the same factory (different shifts, unfortunately; although, I did work with Albert, another brother). He introduced me to a fellow who would become another very close friend, Jeff, who moved to Austin with me in 1999.

We don't get to see each other very much any longer. He is at home in PA with his beautiful family. However, no matter how much time apart, when we get together, it seems like it was only yesterday that we last hung out and the good times return.

Sam has always been a best friend and a great human being and remains to be so!
He's always been a great example of how to keep things light. I couldn't ask for a better brother!

Happy birthday, Sam! I love you and miss you!


"Remember that a government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take away everything you have."

~Davy Crockett

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About Me

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Austin, Texas, United States
Music has been, at the very least, a truly notable part of most of my life. It was guitar in the late '80s through the '90s, playing the punk rock and death metal until the uilleann pipes came along to show me Irish music. Somewhere in the midst of the pipering madness, I decided to pick up a string bass. Next thing I knew, I was in Austin, TX studying traditional jazz and playing string bass full-time. Music has been good to me and continues to show me the good things in life. With this blog, I hope to share some of those good things (more than likely, I'll probably share some rants, too). I hope you get something from it, even if it's just a good laugh (with me or at me: your choice).