Thursday, June 26, 2008

Sept. 30, 2007 - Edward Hayes, Legend

My Influences:

Edward Hayes, Legend
guitar, voice

Mr. Hayes is one of three Texans to bear the title “Legend.” (I recently spoke about another, Dr. John Huntsberger, Legend, if you will so kindly recall.)
It would be improper to delve too deeply into Edward’s mysterious biographical background; all I can really say without leaking highly classified information that could jeopardize not only national security but international security as well as Isle de Babes security and inter-stellar security, is Edward is closely associated with Aunt Ruby's Sweet Jazz Babies. Many years ago, Mr. Hayes found himself in a rather dangerous situation. Fortunately, Frank Lee Devine rescued Mr. Hayes. Of course, Mr. Hayes felt indebted to Mr. Devine and promised to assist the entire Devine family in any way possible for the rest of his life.

I have been lucky to know Mr. Hayes as a close friend for many years now.
He is always ready to help in any way possible in any situation that may arise.
Edward and I have tackled so many problems, thwarted so much evil, and faced many great perils together. I can think of very few others that I could count on so confidently in any situation – he is an exemplary comrade and consummate citizen!

The Hayes influence on my life is formidable. Friendship, musicianship, and citizenship are the hallmarks of that influence. I cherish these things, especially in my close friends – my family.

I thank you so very much, Edward Hayes, Legend – you are a king of kings and better still, a wonderful friend and brother!

- I will never forget the Great Pickle-Stick Controversy! Long live Zoltan Torok!


It is part of the general pattern of misguided policy that our country is now geared to an arms economy, which was bred in an artificially induced psychosis of war hysteria and nurtured upon an incessant propaganda of fear.
~General Douglas MacArthur

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Austin, Texas, United States
Music has been, at the very least, a truly notable part of most of my life. It was guitar in the late '80s through the '90s, playing the punk rock and death metal until the uilleann pipes came along to show me Irish music. Somewhere in the midst of the pipering madness, I decided to pick up a string bass. Next thing I knew, I was in Austin, TX studying traditional jazz and playing string bass full-time. Music has been good to me and continues to show me the good things in life. With this blog, I hope to share some of those good things (more than likely, I'll probably share some rants, too). I hope you get something from it, even if it's just a good laugh (with me or at me: your choice).